Hi my name is chris my web site is on diffrent singers like DMX and Christina and DR dre
I found out things about these singers and put it on my site witch your looking at right now .

christina hs a cD in spanish its the same won as in English so if you want to bay this cd go to your nerest virgan mega store and order it.I like dmx becos he is very cool he sinigs ok and he can defenetie rap and he look's layk a nays man. I like christina becos she is prity . I got her CD and it's rily cool
I lake omost all the songs on the CD . christina is a grat singer she's rilly nays and prity

DMX is very famas all araund USA he is the leter of rofe raider's. DMX som time's remays me of 2POK cos haw he drases jost lake hem

will now on to DR DRE his new CD is phat DRE 2001. the sog forgot abaut DRE fetring emenam